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Reasonable Modification Policy


Policy Statement:

The purpose of the reasonable modification policy is to ensure that FRS Transportation Inc. offers equal and effective opportunities and access to public

transportation services for persons with disabilities and full compliance with the

provisions of the Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section

504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.



No qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be

excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services,

programs, or activities of FRS Transportation Inc., or be subject to discrimination

by FRS Transportation Inc.


Reasonable Modification:

A reasonable modification is a change or exception to a policy, practice, or

procedure that allows disabled individuals to have equal access to programs,

services, and activities. FRS Transportation Inc. will make reasonable

modifications to policies, practices and procedures when necessary to ensure

access to transit services for qualified individuals with disabilities, unless:


  • Making the accommodation would fundamentally alter the nature

of the public transportation service.


  • Making the accommodation would create a direct threat to the

health or safety of other passengers.


  • The individual with a disability is able to fully use FRS Transportation Inc. service without the accommodation being made.



Eligibility Criteria:

An individual is eligible to be considered to receive a reasonable modification if

that individual has:

  • A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one

         or more of the major life activities of such individual.


  • A record of such impairment.


  • Has been regarded as having such impairment.



Requests for Reasonable Modifications:

FRS Transportation Inc. shall make information about how to contact FRS Transportation Inc. to make requests for reasonable modifications readily available to

the public through its website and rider policy guidelines.


Complaint Process:

FRS Transportation Inc. has a process for investigating and tracking complaints

from qualified individuals.

The process and any forms necessary to file a complaint are readily available from the website.


Designated Employee:

FRS Transportation Inc. shall designate one official within the organization

responsible for processing reasonable modification requests and handling

complaints. This individual is:

Chris Hetzel – Transportation Supervisor

FRS Transportation Inc.

313 Chillicothe Ave

Hillsboro, Ohio 45133

937-393-0585 ext 104


Record Retention

FRS Transportation Inc. will maintain all records related to reasonable

modification requests and denials for at least three (3) years.



It is the responsibility of the Transit Director and the Operations Director to ensure

all readsonable modifications are considered.

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